
Friday, May 30, 2014

Being Friends With Each Other

Friday 30th May 2014
How to be are friend.

To be are friend we need to show respect and caring and also kindness to that person you want to be friends with.

The first Step
you need to greet your name so they know your name,and the Most thing is you need to show them around the school to make them feel welcome that is what you call being friends to one another.

The the next Step
you need to talk to them in are polite way because if you don’t then that person might be  scared of you . To be are lovely friend you need to Show them courage and the Responsibility and caring and Respect .

To be are Caring and respectful friend we need to make them feel welcome to our school and show them what Faith,Hope And Lovemean to our school. That is what Being Are friend is all about. and also we need to show them that Saint Pius x School is one whole family to one another  

My Weekly Reflection

For S.S.R I read sunshine online and we had to read are non fiction and are fiction book and the names of those books were Bikes- NF and Car Wash which was fiction it was interesting hearing about these fiction and nonfiction books hope are can read lots more in my own time.

Reading is fun it can help your brain work throughout the day. :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

My Reading and Writing Goals

Welcome to my Reading and Writing Goals 

This year for my Writing goals i need to learn my spelling, capital letter's and fullstops. Also in my writing I need to use punctuation and make sure that my writing make sense

This year for reading I need to learn how to read hard words and need to find books that i can read. Also i need to read books that is at my level and I not allowed to read books that is not at my level